Force sensing hangboard application. Backend communication protocol.
Control the hangboard timer.
Accepts the following message:
"command": "string"
Information on the currently used holds.
Accepts the following message:
"time": 123412341234,
"left": "A1",
"right": "A7"
List of all available workouts.
Accepts the following message:
"time": 123412341234,
"Name": "Strength 1",
"ID": "HRST-S1",
"Filename": "myfile.json",
"IndexInFile": "myfile.json"
Get information on the current set.
Accepts the following message:
"time": 123412341234,
"resttostart": 5,
"exercise": "Hang",
"counter": 10,
"pause": 5,
"reps": 3,
"left": "A1",
"right": "A7",
"type": "Hang",
"intensity": 0
Information on the current timer status.
Accepts the following message:
"time": 123412341234,
"Duration": 20,
"Elapsed": 3,
"Completed": 0.8,
"Countdown": -1,
"CurrentSet": 1,
"TotalSets": 5,
"CurrentRep": 2,
"TotalReps": 5
Current status of the workout backend.
Accepts the following message:
"time": 123412341234,
"Duration": "Starting"
Current status of the current workout.
Accepts the following message:
"time": 123412341234,
"Name": "Stength Workout by Mr. Y",
"ID": "HRST-S-1"
Information on the current load status including the calculated values.
Accepts the following message:
"time": 123412341234,
"loadcurrent": 23.2,
"loadaverage": 55.3,
"loadmaximal": 99.2,
"loadloss": 0.2,
"fti": 231.1,
"rfd": 12.2
Current sensor status, i.e. hang status.
Accepts the following message:
"time": 123412341234,
"HangChangeDetected": "Hang",
"HangDetected": "True"
Summary of the last exercise.
Accepts the following message:
"time": 123412341234,
"LastHangTime": 123,
"LastPauseTime": 111,
"MaximalLoad": 32
User statistics (i.e. intensity).
Accepts the following message:
"time": 123412341234,
"CurrentIntensity": 0.23
Upcoming workout data.
Accepts the following message:
"time": 123412341234,
"UpcomingSets": "10x Hang for 5s with 20mm holds.",
"RemainingTime": 12